What To Know Before You Try CBD

cannabis flower


If you’re conducting research into CBD, you’ve likely come across hundreds of different articles and products. In such a sea of options, it can get confusing when trying to determine whether this hemp extract is right for you and exactly which type of CBD you should try.

Let’s pull back the curtain and learn about this incredible cannabis compound and learn more about what it is, how much to take, and which product to choose.

What is cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a compound that’s prevalent in hemp cannabis. While there are over a hundred cannabinoid compounds in the plant, the most well-known are CBD and THC.

THC, of course, is quite popular because of its psychoactive and intoxicating effects.

This has led many potential candidates for whom CBD could be quite beneficial to seek different options, because they’ve been left with the impression that CBD behaves like THC. But unlike its cannabinoid cousin THC, cannabidiol offers completely different, non-psychoactive effects.

This means that when you take CBD you will not get high!

When taken orally or under the tongue, CBD interacts with a key system in the body known as the endocannabinoid system, which has direct therapeutic effects on bodily responses such as stress, pain, digestion, and sleep.

A significant amount of research has shown that taking CBD positively impacts those who take it for various ailments related to these core bodily responses. Users taking CBD report less stress, better sleep, pain relief, improved skin, and better gut health, among numerous other benefits.

Where do I start?

While cannabidiol is the active ingredient that most people are looking for, you have likely seen several different types of blends of CBD available.

These blends are generally differentiated by the kinds of compounds that are found in the raw distillate or isolate concentrate used to create them.

Before you choose a particular type of CBD blend, consider each type and see which is best for you:

  • Full Spectrum: This is the most popular type of CBD blend available. When we say full spectrum, it means that the CBD concentrate used to produce it contains an array of hemp-based compounds like cannabinoids, aromatic terpenes, flavonoids, lipids, chlorophyll, and other cannabis components that have been shown in clinical studies to work together to produce an entourage effect beneficial for a variety of health conditions and ailments. This is primarily believed to be the result of cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, and THC found in full spectrum blends.
  • Broad Spectrum: These blends are very similar to full spectrum blends but undergo some additional refinement processes with the primary purpose of removing as much THC as possible. While full spectrum blends available under the 2018 Farm Bill are required to contain less than 0.3% THC, some users prefer taking a CBD product with just trace amounts of this cannabinoid due to sensitivity issues or simply to avoid THC altogether. Broad spectrum CBD blends make this possible. Though some THC will still be present in broad spectrum CBD products, the amounts are so low that they are undetectable and often test below 0.0% for THC.
  • Isolate: For users seeking to take cannabidiol and ONLY this compound, then a CBD isolate is the ideal choice. This type of blend undergoes a refinement process that primarily uses chromatography to “isolate” a specific compound, in this case CBD, from the raw full spectrum extract. All other compounds, including THC and other cannabinoids, are completely removed, leaving a highly concentrated crystalline powder containing over 99% CBD.

I know which blend I want. What’s next?

If you’ve found the type of CBD you want to try, you’ll find that there are various concentrations of your preferred blend to choose from. They range from low doses to high dose potency levels.

Before you buy, check out this CBD dosage chart to help you determine the optimal dose for your specific needs and body weight.

Whatever concentration you choose, if this is your first time using CBD you’ll want to start with a low dose to see how your body responds. Research suggests that around 50 milligrams of cannabidiol daily is a safe way to determine if your body responds well to CBD. Try this for a few days, and if you experience no adverse reactions or side effects, you can increase your dose by 25 mg daily until you reach the optimal dose you identified on the dosage chart.

Will it work?

Everyone responds differently to CBD, but a very large body of clinical evidence suggests that you have a better chance than not of seeing positive results.

Some studies show almost immediate relief after just a single dose for people who suffer from social anxiety, while others show that it may take several weeks to see improvement in ailments such as pain or sleep problems.

The only way to know is to give it a shot. The good news is that you can try free CBD samples to see if cannabidiol is right for you. You’ll want to take CBD for at least 5 – 7 days and stick to the starter dosage range mentioned above.

There’s a good chance you’ll see at least some benefit.

Your most effective results will come over time with a quality CBD product. Be sure that whatever brand you choose provides third-party lab tests that show their product potency matches what’s on the bottle. Review the product’s label for usage and safety instructions. And don’t be afraid to contact the brand’s customer support team with any questions. Most reputable CBD companies are happy to answer any questions you may have.

The Takeaway

Hopefully, now that you’ve reviewed this beginner’s guide, you’ll have an idea of where CBD comes from, how it works, which blend is best for you, how much to take, and how to get started.

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